We develop customized homeland security and emergency preparedness tools for our clients to better understand the risks they face, which capabilities they will need, and which capabilities are in place to address those risks. From there, we work with our clients to produce comprehensive plans and strategies to achieve their data-driven goals and objectives. We then conduct follow-on performance evaluations to determine where progress is being achieved, and whether gaps remain.


Grants Management and Evaluations - We have worked with numerous states, and urban areas to produce highly competitive grant investment justifications, and we've developed homeland security grant effectiveness reports to demonstrate to policy makers the return on grant investments. Our grant applications have resulted in the highest or near highest level of funding for our clients in several competitive national grant programs.




Cybersecurity - For too long cybersecurity has been the weakest link in homeland security. We conduct assessments, and develop strategies and plans that not only focus on the latest technology; we directly address the often overlooked "human factor" when it comes to protecting critical cyber infrastructure.




Exercises and Evaluations - From regional public health and medical exercises, to responding to complex coordinated terrorist attacks, to the detection and interdiction of illicit radiological materials, we develop meaningful table top, functional, and full scale exercises to test and evaluate performance.




Strategies and Plans - Using data derived from assessments, we develop enterprise-wide homeland security strategies and implementation plans, emergency operations plans, continuity plans, and standard operating procedures for states, urban areas, and critical infrastructure owners and operators across the nation. 


Capability Assessments - We develop assessment tools based on the latest national guidance, while tailoring our products to meet local needs and requirements. Our expert facilitators use these tools to work directly with our clients to measure capability comprehensively across each client's existing plans, organization, equipment, training, and exercise programs.


Risk Assessments - We develop tailored threat and hazard identification and risk assessments for states, urban areas, public sector agencies, and owners and operators of critical infrastructure. We blend rigorous algorithms with deep domain expertise, and the latest research, to provide a comprehensive risk analysis that addresses threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences in a dynamic and useful way.