Highlights of our Success

  • State of California Homeland Security Strategy
  • National Special Security Event Planning for the District of Columbia
  • Public Information and Warning Capability Assessment, Strategy, and Implementation Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area Region
  • Cybersecurity Capability Assessment, Strategy, and Implementation Plan for the City of San Diego
  • Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment for the Pittsburgh Urban Area Region
  • Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Program for Fortune 500 equipment distributor, including development of equipment list, web site content, staff training, and marketing.
  • Department of Homeland Security Leadership Mentoring
  • Homeland Security Strategic Plan for the Seattle Urban Area
  • Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Effectiveness Report covering the response to the 2015 terrorist attack in San Bernardino
  • New York State Homeland Security Strategy
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan for the Austin, Texas Urban Area
  • Cities Readiness Initiative Mass Dispensing Full Scale Exercise for the San Francisco Bay Area Region
  • Securing the Cities Preventive Radiological Nuclear Detection Planning, Training, and Exercise Program for the Los Angeles/Long Beach Urban Area
  • Washington, DC Disaster Preparedness Legal Handbook Guide
  • Richmond, Virginia Metropolitan Medical Response Plan
  • Sacramento Regional Homeland Security Strategy
  • Transit Security Grant Program Investment Justifications for Hampton Roads Transit in Virginia
  • Greater Los Angeles Regional Transit Security Working Group Risk Assessment, Capability Assessment, and Security Plan
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency Capability Assessments and Grant Effectiveness Case Studies